8. Data Analytics - Ask Questions to Make Data-Driven Decisions - Week 3
Formula // a set of instructions that performs a specific calculation
Spreadsheet Tasks:
- Organize your data: pivot table, filtering,
- Calculate your data: formulas and functions
Data Lifecycle:
- Plan // format cells, headers, etc
- Capture // connect spreadsheet to other data sources
- Manage // storing, organizing, filtering, updating
- Analyze // pivot tables, formulas
- Archive // store for use later
- Destroy // backups or destroy data properly
Understanding Data Context by Asking: who, what, when, where, how
Additional Resources:
Formula // a set of instructions that performs a specific calculation
Operators // a symbol that names the type of operation or calculation to be performed
Cell reference // a cell or a range of cells in a worksheet that can be used in a formula
Range // a collection of two or more cells
Function // a preset command that automatically performs a specific process or task using the data
Problem domain // specific area of analysis that encompasses every activity affecting or affected by the problem.
Structured thinking // process of recognizing the current problem or situation, organizing available information, revealing gaps and opportunities, and identifying the options.
Context // condition in which something exists or happens
Scope of work (SOW) // an agreed-upon outline of the work you're going to perform on a project
- Deliverables // items or tasks need to complete before finishing project
What work is being done, and what things are being created as a result of this project? When the project is complete, what are you expected to deliver to the stakeholders? Be specific here. Will you collect data for this project? How much, or for how long?
- Timeline // due dates when deliverables, milestones, or reports due
Your timeline will be closely tied to the milestones you create for your project. The timeline is a way of mapping expectations for how long each step of the process should take.
- Milestones // significant tasks you confirm along your timeline to help show project is on track
What work is being done, and what things are being created as a result of this project? When the project is complete, what are you expected to deliver to the stakeholders? Be specific here. Will you collect data for this project? How much, or for how long?
- Reports
Good SOWs also set boundaries for how and when you’ll give status updates to stakeholders. How will you communicate progress with stakeholders and sponsors, and how often? Will progress be reported weekly? Monthly? When milestones are completed? What information will status reports contain?
Spreadsheet Errors:
#DIV/0! // a formula is trying to divide a value in a cell by 0 or by an empty cell
#ERROR! (GOOGLE SHEETS) // formula can't be interpreted as input, known as parsing error
#N/A // data in formula can't be found by spreadsheet
#NAME? // formula or function name isn't understood
#NUM! // formula or function calculation can't be performed as specified
#VALUE! // general error that could indicate a problem with a formula or referenced cell
#REF! // a formula is referencing a cell that is no longer valid or has been deleted
Spreadsheet Tasks:
- Organize your data: pivot table, filtering,
- Calculate your data: formulas and functions
Data Lifecycle:
- Plan // format cells, headers, etc
- Capture // connect spreadsheet to other data sources
- Manage // storing, organizing, filtering, updating
- Analyze // pivot tables, formulas
- Archive // store for use later
- Destroy // backups or destroy data properly
Understanding Data Context by Asking: who, what, when, where, how
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