4. C# - List


// are like array but flexible. arrays are fixed lengths while list can be flexible with adding and removing.

List Declaring:

List<dataType> variableName = new List<dataType>(); // initialize empty list

List<int> variableName = new List<int>{5,1,3,5,3}; // initializes a filled list

List Indexing:

// Same as array


List Methods:

Add() Method:

listVariable.Add(newValueToAdd); // adds a new value to the list at the end of the list

Count Method:

listVariable.Count; // returns the length of the list

Insert() Method:

listVariable.Insert(index, value); // inserts a value at a specified location, moving other values up/down to make space

Remove() Method:

listVariable.Remove(value); // removes the FIRST appearance of a value from the list

RemoveAt() Method:

listVariable.RemoveAt(index); // removes the value at the specified index

Contains() Method:

listVariable.Contains(valueToSearch); // returns true or false if found

Clear() Method:

listVariable.Clear(); // wipes a list
