31. Data Analytics - Data Analysis with R Programming - Week 4
Visualizing in R, using ggplot2 of tidyverse.
Base R, and other packages like plotly and RGL can do basic visuals.
Aesthetic (R) // a visual property of an object in your plot. Size, shape, color.
Geom (R) // the geometric object used to represent your data
Facets (R) // let you display smaller groups, or subsets, of your data. can create separate graphs for every data in dataset
Labels and annotations (R) // lets you customize your plot. Titles, annotations, subtitles, etc
Mapping (R) // matching up a specific variable in your dataset with a specific aesthetic
Annotate // to add notes to a document or diagram to explain or comment upon it
Popular visual packages:
- ggplot2 - Plotly
- Lattice - RGL
- Dygraphs - Leaflet
- Highcharter - Patchwork
- gganimate - ggridges
Benefits of ggplot2:
- Create different types of plots
- Customize the look and feel of plots
- Create high quality visuals
- Combine data manipulation and visualization
ggplot2 core concepts:
- aesthetics
- geoms
- facets
- labels and annotations
- install.packages("ggplot2")
- library(ggplot2)
1. Start with ggplot function and choose a dataset to work with
2. Add a geom_ function to display your data
3. Map the variables you want to plot in the arguments of the aes() function
Creating a plot:
- ggplot(data = dataname) + geom_point(mapping = aes(x= datacolumn, y = datacolum))
// creates a scatter plot to see correlation between 2 data
// the "+" adds a layer to the ggplot. add layer by adding to the end of codes
- mapping = aes(properties, properties,etc)
// color = columndata // differ color between each data
// x = columndata //
// y = columndata //
// shape = columndata // // differ values by shape
// size = columndata // differ values by size
// alpha = columndata // differ alpha by values
- geom_point(properties,properties,etc)
// mapping = aes() // edit mapping of points
// color = "color" // change color of all points
Geom functions:
- geom_point // creates scatterplot
- geom_bar // creates bar chart
mapping = aes() properties:
- fill = datacolumn // solid color fill
- color = datacolumn // outline color
- geom_line // create line chart
- geom_smooth // smooth line chart
mapping = aes() properties:
- linetype = datacolumn
- geom_jitter // add a bit of noise to each data point to make overlapping less common
Types of smoothing:
Type of smoothing | Description | Example code |
Loess smoothing | The loess smoothing process is best for smoothing plots with less than 1000 points. | ggplot(data, aes(x=, y=))+ geom_point() + geom_smooth(method="loess") |
Gam smoothing | Gam smoothing, or generalized additive model smoothing, is useful for smoothing plots with a large number of points. | ggplot(data, aes(x=, y=)) + geom_point() + geom_smooth(method="gam", formula = y ~s(x)) |
Facet functions:
- Facet_wrap(~datacolumn) // facet a plot by single variable
- add facet_wrap(~datacolumn) to "ggplot() +"
// creates separate plot for each datacolumn
- Facet_grid(1stcolumn~2ndcolumn) // facet a plot by multiple variables. split plots into facets
vertically by values of first variable and horizontally by second variable.
- add facet_wrap(1stcolumn~2ndcolumn)
Filtering before plotting: (uses dplyr package)
- filter(variable1 == "SOMETHING") then ggplot()
Label and Annotating:
- titles
- (+) to end of ggplot() with labs(title="TITLE")
- subtitles
- (+) to end of ggplot() with labs(subtitle="SUBTITLE")
- captions
- (+) to end of ggplot() with labs(caption="CAPTION")
- annotate // used to put text on specific data points
- (+) to end of ggplot() with annotate(properties)
- annotate("TEXT", x=poslabel,y=poslabel, label = "LABEL")
Optional properties:
- color = "COLOR"
- fontface = "bold"
- size = float
- angle = int
Saving plots:
- Export option or ggsave() function
- Export option found in plots tab
- ggsave() // saves last plot you displayed.
- ggsave("filename.png")
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