5. Flutter - Stateless Widget Class (&HotReloads)

Stateless vs Stateful Widget:

- Stateless: state of widget cannot change over time. Final Widget.

- Stateful: state of widget can change over time. Dynamic Widget.

- Stateful and Stateless widget are basically custom widgets. We can put any widget inside it by returning a widget.

Creating a stateless widget class:

Using snippet "stless"

class testclass extends StatelessWidget {
// const test({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Container();

// Replace Container() with widget tree widget, for example, the Scaffold() Widget.

// The "@override" tells the function to override the extended "StatelessWidget's" own build function with the one in our custom stateless widget.

// Stateless widget is basically a widget. If we pop it as a widget in the "home: " property of the app, then it becomes the home widget.

// Any change within the build function will be updated on a save (hot reload). The function returns a widget that is newly changed and displays on the emulator.

Using the stateless widget:

void main() => runApp(MaterialApp(
home: Home(), // Home() is our custom stateless widget.

// Our Home Stateless Widget only returns a Scaffold() widget tree full of widgets.

// We can reuse the Home() widget in any other widget trees.


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