7. Flutter - Images & Assets

Image Widget:

Image() // widget

image: // property of the image widget

Network Images (Using images on internet):


image: NetworkImage('IMAGEURL'),


Asset Images (Using images on the project source folders):

1. Create a new image folder in project. Maybe call it "assets"

2. Add images

3. Edit pubspec.yaml file to use source images. Find assets section.

- assets/doge1.png
- assets/doge2.png
- assets/doge3.png

// If have too much images. Just reference the "assets" folder by itself only. Then any image inside it can be used.


image: AssetImage('assets/doge1.png'),


Example of Image Widget being used:

body: Center(
child: Image(
image: AssetImage('assets/doge2.png'),

Shortcuts to asset/network images:




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