6. Flutter - Stateful Widgets

 Stateful widgets automatically refreshes whenever data of variables inside its object widget is changed.

1. Create a stateful widget using snippet shortcut "stful"

2. It will create two classes.

class TESTWIDGET extends StatefulWidget {
const TESTWIDGET({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

_TESTWIDGETState createState() => _TESTWIDGETState();

class _TESTWIDGETState extends State<TESTWIDGET> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Container();

TESTWIDGET // is the initializer widget which creates a state object widget called _TESTWIDGETState.

_TESTWIDGETState // works like a stateless widget but can put variables above @override. Change Container() to widget root that you want to use.

Can use Action Menu to quickly convert a stateless widget into a stateful widget.

Changing variables in a stateful widget:

Use function setState( (){} )

// Inside brackets is a function. setState is a function holding a function. Change variable inside the brackets.

// setState() function triggers the build function of the stateful widget.


floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(
onPressed: (){
setState(() {
child: Icon(
size: 30,
color: Colors.grey[900],
backgroundColor: Colors.amberAccent,



// calls once when widget is created.

// subscribes to any data streams or objects that could change the data

// can put a one time run function or setup in here which runs only once, where in the build function it will run every build.

// snippet is initState()

// put it above the @override in the class that has the build function.


// builds the widget tree

// rebuilds whenever the setState((){}) is called


// when widget/state object is destroyed/removed
