7. Go - Variable Declaration

Variable Declarations:

Declare variable types using "var"

// Single Variable Declaration
var age int
var names string
var width float64

// Pointers Variables
var agePointer *int
var namesPointer *string
var widthPointer *float64

Struct Declaration and Use:

    type Person struct {
        gender string
        age int
    todd := Person{
        gender: "male",
        age: 5,


Declaring multiple variables:

var (
    age = 5
    names = "todd"
    baldQuestion = false

Constants, variables that cannot be changed. They're immutable.

// Declaring single constants
const age int
const name string

// Declaring multiple constants
const (
    a = 5
    b = 6
    c = "string"

Short Declaration Operator uses the " := " symbol. 

Lets declare stuff without typing var. 

Can only use within a function's scope, can't be used outside of a function. Declare variables outside of functions using "var"


banana := "yellow"
size := 5
green := false
