2. Github - Version Control with Git

Committing Process:

Modifying (modify files) -> Staging (picking which modified file to commit) -> Committing

1. Create repository in Github.

2. In Directory of code project, git init

// creates a hidden folder to track changes.

3. Adding files to the staging process (process that is before committing).

Use "git add <FILENAME>"


"git add ."

4. Committing files, updating version control stuff,

Use git commit -m "MESSAGE"

// -m, is attaching a message.

5. Pushing to Github

- Use code provided by GitHub to remote add local directory to GitHub repository.

- Use push code to push to GitHub repository

- git remote add origin <githubRepoLink> // link origin branch to the github repo

    - need setup before using "git push" shortcut

    - git push --set-upstream origin master

- git push origin master // pushes the origin(localname) to the master branch in github

6. Updating future changes and pushing,

- git status // checks status of files if it matches what is in GitHub/Git logs

- git add // adds changes to the staging process

- git commit -m "MESSAGE // committing changes to version control

- git push // pushes changes to GitHub, dont have to set anything, just git push

Restoring files from GitHub

git restore <FILENAME>


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