2. C# - Arrays

 Declaring Arrays:

int[] myarray = new int[5];

// this declares a new empty array with 5 spots

// block brackets in front of a data type indicates its an array consisting of those data types

int[] myarray = int{1, 2, 3, 4};

// declares an array with preset values

Indexing Arrays:


// prints "1"

Length Method:

myarray.Length // tells us length of array

Array Copy Method:

Array.Copy(sourceArray, destinationArray, numberofvaluestocopy);

// copies a set of values from one array and replaces those number of elements in the new array.

Array Sort Method:


// sorts it into ascending order

Array IndexOf Method:

Array.IndexOf(arrayname, valuetofind);

// returns the index if it finds the value inside the array given
